Astrea / Posts by Benoit Forêt

Posts by Benoit Forêt

Nieuwe duiding bij de toepassing van de verscherpte natuurtoets


Article only available in Dutch.

Astrea appoints 3 lawyers as counsel


Article only available in Dutch.

New (fifth) edition of the Dutch book “Vastgoed & de complexe papierwinkel: wat u zeker niet mag vergeten!” available


The new (fifth) edition of the Dutch book “Vastgoed & de complexe papierwinkel: wat u zeker niet mag vergeten!” is available. The book is written by Ciska Servais, Merel Huybrechts, Yannick Ballon, Matthias Helsen, Benoit Forêt & Jonas Deckers and gives an overview of the certificates that are needed for the sale and rental of […]

The Province of Antwerp decided to grant the environmental permit for construction and operation of Project ONE


Ciska Servais, Ilse Cuypers, Jonas Deckers and Benoit Forêt from the environmental law department assisted Ineos Olefins Beglium in drawing up the environmental permit application and during the entire further permit procedure for the construction and operation of Project ONE in the port of Antwerp. In the meantime, the Province of Antwerp decided to grant […]

Astrea successfully defends the marine spatial plan 2020-2026 for the Belgian marine areas


The marine spatial plan covers an area of approximately 3,500 km² and provides the legal basis for the pursuit of various activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea, such as port development, sea defences, energy, sea fishing, scientific research, etc. Astrea assisted the Belgian State on two actions for annulment directed against the […]

Flemish Municipal Roads decree largely passes Constitutional Court’s test


On October 7, the Constitutional Court ruled partially in favor of the Flemish Region’s May 3, 2019 decree on Municipal Roads. The Court dismissed almost all appeals against the decree, with the exception of the appeal against the provision dealing with the relocation of municipal roads. The Municipal Roads decree introduces a uniform legal status […]

Vernietiging van het gewestelijk ruimtelijk uitvoeringsplan ‘Openruimtegebieden Beneden-Nete’ én omgevingsvergunning Sigmawerken


Ciska Servais en Benoit Forêt van het omgevingsrecht-team van Astrea vertegenwoordigden de eigenaar van het beschermde kasteel Ringenhof in Lier in een procedure bij de Raad van State tegen het gewestelijk ruimtelijk uitvoeringsplan ‘Openruimtegebieden Beneden-Nete’, dat opgemaakt werd in uitvoering van het geactualiseerde Sigmaplan en als doel heeft om het nabijgelegen, bestaande overstromingsgebied om te […]

Stikstofarrest herbevestigd


De Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen heeft in een schorsingsarrest van 12 augustus 2021 (RvVb-S-2021-1254) een omgevingsvergunning voor de bouw en uitbating van een tomatenkwekerij in Hoogstraten geschorst, en heeft haar eerdere rechtspraak uit het zgn. “stikstofarrest” herbevestigd.  Dit arrest heeft betrekking op een omgevingsvergunning die op 5 december 2020 door de bevoegde Vlaamse minister verleend werd […]

Assistance with respect to the refinancing of the real estate portfolio of Group Bernaerts


Dieter Veestraeten and his team assisted Group Bernaerts, a family owned real estate group based in Antwerp, with respect to the refinancing of its real estate portfolio in Antwerp, Mechelen and Willebroek. The portfolio consists of office buildings, semi industrial buildings and logistic warehouses. Berry Westhoff, CFO of Group Bernaerts: “We have a longstanding strong […]

Regional and local taxes

We assist clients and handle procedures regarding regional and local taxes, regarding property, permits, empty and abandoned locations, etc.

Permits for windturbines

We assist clients regarding the procedures for permits for windturbines.

Sale of the last plot of land in Genk to the Flemish Region

We assisted FORD in the past and this year again for the last plot in the sale of the land of Ford Motor Company in Genk to the Flemish Region.

Large residential projects

Clients request assistance in completing their requests for permits for large, medium and/or small construction permits. We assist them during the procedure, often after objections from neighbours or when the city council does not grant the permit.