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Businesses are forever changing. Employees are more and more protected by laws and regulations, on a regional, national, but also European level. Belgium historically also has a strong trade union movement looking out for the workers’ best interests.Employers have to adapt to fast-changing circumstances constantly, especially in challenging times such as today, post-Brexit and in the midst of a global pandemic. In the meantime, they often have to take into account the demands of trade union representatives on the work floor.
Through these challenging times, our employment law team has proven to be experienced, flexible and creative.We guide and support businesses through any employment-related issues, whether these be simply hiring and firing, or more complicated matters such as M&A, salary optimisation, pension and bonus schemes, social inspections. Our services include drafting agreements, support and negotiation with social inspections, litigation with (ex) employees but also the authorities, optimising split salary situations, single permits and employment licences, guidance through gross misconduct dismissals and redundancies of persons protected from dismissal, restructuring and mass redundancies, social elections and many more issues. We also have a payroll guidance service, for international companies employing staff directly in Belgium from abroad.Our focus is very much on conflict avoidance, but all our team members are equally experienced to defend your business interests in court.Contact
rds@astrealaw.be for all your employment-related questions.