Astrea / who we are

Welcome to Astrea

Your all-round partner for
results-oriented advice

Astrea consists of a team of over 50 specialist lawyers,
all of whom will take pleasure in providing your company
with efficient and high-quality support. We are a reliable
and independent sounding board for all legal issues.

our services


  • Professionals
  • Clear solutions
  • Proactive
  • Pragmatic
  • Cost-effective
  • Professionals
  • Clear solutions
  • Proactive
  • Pragmatic
  • Cost-effective

The world of law is becoming ever more complex, but
our team is always ready to untangle every legal knot.

Our goal is the best possible outcome in every case,
because we know that the result is all that really matters.

Since the firm’s inception in 2006, Astrea has consisted of a team of devoted experts, and their thorough specialist knowledge guarantees that you will receive a high-quality and multidisciplinary service. Today we have over 50 lawyers ready to assist your company. Astrea will put together a specialist legal team on the basis of what you require, which will work closely with you in order to create an efficient solution for your business. Our sharp focus and pragmatic approach mean that you will get the best possible outcome. We work with you in a solutions-oriented manner, exhibiting respect for both your knowledge and your business.


A firm that can assist in all your legal matters.
Astrea is made up of a team of dynamic and
creative lawyers who will work together with you
proactively in order to find a solution and who
always focus on the client. We believe firmly in
having a relationship based on trust with all our

You can count on a personal approach, and
we will tackle all matters with due regard for
your business objectives. We clearly explain
all issues and offer a cost-efficient service.
And that's exactly how legal advice should be.

  • All-round
  • Specialists
  • Team players
  • Result driven
  • Efficient
  • Approachable
  • All-round
  • Specialists
  • Team players
  • Result driven
  • Efficient
  • Approachable
  • ALL
  • Partners
  • Lawyers
  • Staff
  • ALL
  • Partners
  • Lawyers
  • Staff
Melanie Van Winkel
Myriam Wynen
Financial Assistant
Stéphanie Leleu
Office Assistant
Frédérique Vermaete
Legal Assistant
Pascale De Laet
Finance Assistant
Mattias Symons
Finance Manager
Rosita Moerkens
Operations Manager
Michelle Neys
Office Assistant
Ingrid Coenaert
Stéphanie Van Bommel
Office Assistant
Jana Loos
Suzy Francis
Genevieve Van Houtven
Sabrina Van Den Bossche